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Guide Spain tourist attractions - tourist information

In the north of Spain you find the Spanish Basque Country, the Capital of the Basque Country, attracts tourists for being a beautiful town and for the modern Spanish museum Guggenheim which is most famous for its extraordinary architecture.

In Spain some of the best tourist attractions can be found in Barcelona, the Capital of Catalonia (Northeast) and second largest city, has been home of many of the most famous artist of Spain. In the city you find splendid architecture by Gaudi, and painters such as Dali and Picasso who spend long periods in Catalonia.

A castell is a human tower traditionally built during festivals in many places in Catalonia, At these festivals, several teams meet and try to build the most impressive towers they can and is only one of the Spanish tourist attractions at festivals.

In the center of Spain lies Madrid As the capital since 1576, Madrid City hosts many historical Spanish monuments. The Royal castle and Spanish museums like el Prado and Reina Sofia (with paintings of Velasquez, Goya, Miro and Picasso) are only a few of the many great Spanish tourist attractions the city can present.

Valencia lies along the Spanish Mediterranean coast (south of Catalonia) and attracts a lot of tourism for its beaches and the climate and a number of tourist attractions

In the rest of central Spain tourist attractions are mainly historic Spanish cities (many of which are officially designated World Heritage cities like Salamanca), Salamanca can be considered one of the most beautiful Spanish cities.

Cities in Spain to visit Alicante, Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia, Seville and Valencia on your holidays in Spain.
About Spain information on the costas Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa Calida, Costa Del Azahar, Costa de Almeria, Costa del Sol, Costa Tropical and Costa de la Luz for your holidays in Spain.

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