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The Climate And Weather Of Spain. by: Jakob Jelling
Due to the important extension of land Spain comprehends and the different
geographical areas it has, this country shows some different climates at some
spots than at in others, although there are some general guidelines which can
be applied to it as a whole.
In general, all the different areas of Spain show some similarities at each
season, although many times they show important differences as well. Despite
of learning the general weather conditions of the country at any given time,
it is recommendable to learn about the particular weather of each specific
region of Spain a tourist would meet before visiting it in order to be properly
ready for it.
Summer time in Spain goes from June to September, and during this season the
country receives a great amount of tourists who approach attracted by its beautiful
beaches. During the central weeks of summer time, most of Spain offers a very
hot weather, with temperatures that might be of more than 30º C at some
During winter time, Spain doesn't offer very cold temperatures at most of
its territory, although it does show some very low temperatures at some areas,
such as for example in Madrid and the central region of the country. Within
the central area of Spain, winter time offers temperatures which could reach
low temperatures of around 0º C sometimes, although they averagely are
of around 10º C.
Most tourists choose autumn or spring time for visiting Spain due to the way
in which many of its regions offer their best climate around those époques
of the year. During the last weeks of spring or the first days of autumn it
might be even ideal for those who wish to enjoy Spain beaches, although towards
the Atlantic Ocean there usually are important amounts of rains during those
Those tourists who wish to visit Spain without finding it much crowded, should
choose October or May. October and May offer nice weather at most Spanish regions and, at the same time, these are not the months in which this country receives
most of its visitors, turning them into ideal months for those who wish to
meet the country in a more quieter way.