Public holidays in Spain below are the most commonly observed Spanish public
January 1st - Ano Nuevo (New Year’s day)
January 6th - Epifania (Epiphany) or Dia de los Reyes Magos (Three Kings’ day)
March 19th - San Jose, Dia del padre (St Joseph’s day – Father’s
Variable - Viernes Santo (Good Friday)
Variable - Dia de Pascua (Easter Sunday)
May 2nd - Fiesta del Trabajo (Labour day)
Variable (mid June) Corpus Christi
August 15th - La Asuncion (Feast of the Asumption)
October 12th - Public holiday for Spain's National Day
November 1st - Public holiday - Todos los Santos (All Saints day)
December 6th - Dia de la Constitucion (Constitution day)
December 8th - Inmaculada Concepcion (Immaculate Conception)
December 25th - Navidad (Christmas day)
In addition, each town has Spanish public holidays for its own patron saint.
August is the time when most Spanish people go on holiday, and it is not uncommon
to find shops and businesses closed for the duration. Many city dwellers return
to their rural roots to stay with family and friends, and it is the month when
most towns and villages have their ferias and fiestas that can be Spanish public