Cheap Spanish phone calls Spain |
Simply add Midas to your Telefonica line for free and enjoy ultra low-cost
national and international call rates 24/7. Its free to join, there are No
monthly charges and no changes required to your phone or number. English Itemised
billing! Additionally, save up to and over 78% on international calls from
both contract and prepay mobiles! Friends and family in the U.K. can join to!
Please see website for more information or contact our Spanish office in Fuengirola
on +34 952 464 101. Alternatively, you can email us at Contact
Midas Telecom now !
Spanish telephone service is operated by the Compañia Telefónica
Nacional de España (CNTE), better known simply as Telefónica.
To have a telephone installed or reconnected, you must usually visit the local
Telefónica office. Take along your passport or residence card (residencia),
proof of your address such as a recent electricity bill, and a copy of your
property deed (escritura) or rental contract.
When you get your telephone installed, expect an installation fee of 150EUR
(if you're renting and don't have a residence permit you must pay a deposit
of around 250 EUR). If you're taking over a property from the previous occupants,
you should arrange for the telephone account to be transferred to your name
from the day you take possession - that's free (moving the address of an existing
account is 60EUR).
Itemized bills (factura detallada) are provided listing numbers called with
the date and time, duration, number of units and the charge. Bills can be paid
in cash at certain banks, via a bank account or in cash at a Telefónica
office. Present the bill with your payment (you will receive a receipt). You
can also have your telephone bill paid by direct debit (transferencia) from
a bank account, which is advisable for holiday home owners as it ensures that
you aren't disconnected for non-payment.
Telephone directories (Guías Telefónicas) in Spain are published
by province, with each province having its own telephone book and code number.
The directories for the province where you reside or have your business are
provided free of charge.
Spain's country code is 34. For international calls, the national company
can be expensive. The best way is using a "re-seller" service (a
company that buys bandwidth at wholesale prices from the big companies that
own the network). Simply add Midas to your Telefonica line for free and enjoy
ultra low-cost national and international call rates 24/7 plus first class
customer care in English.
No monthly charges and no changes required to your phone or number
Call national and international numbers for next to nothing - Call other Midas
VoiPers FREE at all times! Call from any braodband enabled PC! One ultra low
monthly fee!
Additionally, save up to and over 78% on international calls from both contract
and prepay mobiles! Free to join. No subscriptions. No changes to your existing
phone or contract!
Midas currently provides fully serviced analogue and VoIP telephony in the
UK whilst expanding it's wireless internet networks and developing advanced
'converged' billing solutions for the wider telecommunications industry.