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Traditions in Spain
Traditions in Spain - Rich in history and with Spanish traditions proudly kept alive by the Spanish people, Spain provides the visitor with a truly vibrant experience.

The siesta - a traditional hour-long mid-afternoon break from work - is generally in decline and the typical rhythm of the day in Spain is now similar to the European norm. Many shops (though relatively few other businesses) still split their hours into two distinct periods of opening with a two or three hour break in the middle.

A strong sense of regional identity exists in many regions of Spain. Most notably, the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia have widespread nationalist sentiment. Many Basque and Catalan nationalists back statehood for their respective regions. Historically, various regions of Spain had quite distinct regional dress. Today, most people in Spain dress in a manner comparable to most other contemporary Europeans,

Many of the traditional festivals in Spain revolve around Catholic saints and historical events see also the history of Spain.

Spanish cuisine is made of very different kinds of dishes due to the differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by the variety of seafood available from the waters that surround the country. Examples of traditional Spanish dishes are Chorizo, a paprika pork sausage. Gazpacho, a cold soup Jamón, cured ham Paella, a rice dish Sangría and tortilla española, potato omelette.

Sport in Spain is dominated by Fútbol, with La Liga, the country's professional league, drawing large attendances; Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are traditionally the most successful teams. The national team, did win the 1964 European Football Championship. Bullfighting is an icon for Spain, and despite slight recent declines in attendance it is still alive and well across the country, though is threatened by Animal Rights organization.

Christmas traditions Spain

22nd December - All over Spain people tune in to a TV or radio as the Christmas lottery is drawn over a period of many hours. Everybody in Spain buys tickets for this lottery in the hope of winning El Gordo (the fat one)
24th December - Christmas Eve in Spain is called Nochebuena in Spanish (Goodnight)
25th December - Christmas day in Spain is called Navidad Children may receive a small gift on Nochebuena but the day for presents is 6th January, Epiphany,
31st December - New Year's Eve in Spain is known as NocheVieja. It is a big celebration.

For more details of Christmas traditions.